1.100 kW Power Supply for x-ray scanner
- Output Power 100 kW
- Output Vltage Range ±20kV to ±75kV
- Output Current 1000 mA
2. HV Transformer for X-ray Scanner
- Power 30 kW / 6 s; 80 kW / 0.1 s
- Output Vltage Range ±20kV to ±75kV
- Output Current 800 mA
3. Laboratory High-Voltage Divider (dual polarity ±75kV)
4. Active balancier for lead-acid battery
- Battery voltage 12 V (2 V x 6)
- Number of channels, pcs. 6
- Absorbed current of each channel, no more than 5 A
- The accuracy of balancing the battery cells ± 20 mV
- Dimensions, not more than LxWxH 150 x 110 x 20 mm
- Weight, not more than 150 g
5. Power Supply for Liquid Lithium Lens
5.1 Power Supply for Liquid Lithium Lens (for Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, USA )
Constant Power Charging Device for power capacitors.
- Output Power (continuous) 100 kW
- Output Voltage 6 kV
5.2 HV Pulse Power Switch
- Switch Inductance 0.6 µH
- Off-state Forward Voltage 7.2 kV
- Reverse Voltage 7.2 kV
- Pulse Current (sine-wave pulse duration 1.5 ms) 100 kA
6.Modulator for TOKAMAK TEXTOR, Julich (Germany)
- Output Vltage 55kV
- Output Current 3 A / 10 s
7.Power Switch and Active Mode Current Regulator (Shunt) for the Separating Magnet for SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, USA
- Operating current 300 А
- Total load inductance 3 mH
- Total load active resistance 1 Ohm
- Trailing edge time 1 ms
- Max operating frequency 0.5 Hz
- Max Duty cycle 75% at 0.5 Hz
- Dissipated energy per one operating cycle 140 J